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Florida’s abortion ban

makes it virtually impossible to access an abortion.

Abortion is now illegal in Florida before many people even know they’re pregnant. This extreme ban starts the clock the first day of your last menstrual period, not from conception. This means anyone seeking an abortion in Florida will now have just days after a missed period to confirm they’re pregnant and book two appointments at least 24 hours apart before receiving abortion care.

Florida’s abortion ban has no real exceptions for rape, incest, or when the health of the woman is at risk. This means that Florida women and girls will be forced to carry and give birth to their attacker’s child against their will, and doctors could be forced to delay necessary healthcare until their patients are on the brink of death

No one should be forced to carry a pregnancy and give birth against their will. Under this ban, the vast majority of people will be forced to do just that, putting the health, lives, and futures of women and girls in our state at risk.

These legal hoops, restrictions, and barriers make it virtually impossible for people to access an abortion when they need it.

Common questions about Florida's abortion ban

Is abortion still legal in Florida?

Yes. Abortion is still legal in Florida up to six weeks of pregnancy with very few exceptions.

How early can I find out I am pregnant?

You typically won’t know you’re pregnant until you miss a period and take a pregnancy test – or when you are about four weeks along. If you have irregular menstrual cycles, are stressed, sick, or taking certain medications, this can make knowing your average cycle even more unpredictable and make it even more challenging to track.

If you suspect you might be pregnant, take a pregnancy test as soon as possible. You can walk into any Planned Parenthood of South, East and North Florida health center at any time and purchase a pregnancy test, as well as things like Emergency Contraception or a Pregnancy Prevention Pack.

If I am victim of rape, incest, or human trafficking, can get an abortion if I am past six-weeks pregnant?

The six-week ban does allow for abortions in cases of sexual assault or violence; however, care can only be administered if you have documentation of your assault and are under 15 weeks pregnant. Acceptable forms of documentation include police reports, restraining orders, medical records, or court documents. 

As always, Planned Parenthood of South, East and North Florida’s dedicated staff is here to help any victim of sexual violence with compassionate, competent care.

What if I am a minor seeking abortion care?

If you are less than six weeks pregnant, you have the right to decide to have an abortion if you are under 18 years of age. But Florida law requires parental consent for people under 18 to receive abortion care. 

If you can’t involve a parent or legal guardian, you have the option of asking a judge to let you get an abortion without involving a parent. This process is called judicial bypass. You can find more information on the judicial bypass process on the Abortion Care for People Under 18 page.  

Is abortion safe?

Yes, abortion is one of the safest medical procedures. The rate of major complications is less than 1%, and it’s safer than getting your wisdom teeth taken out.  

Millions of people face unplanned pregnancies every year, and about one in five of them decide to have an abortion. Having an abortion doesn’t increase your risk for breast cancer or affect your fertility. It doesn’t cause problems for future pregnancies or pose any risk to your overall health or mental health.  

The abortion bans being passed have nothing to do with patient health or safety.  

How does the six-week ban affect the ability to get an abortion in Florida?

Florida has a six-week ban on abortion and requires two in-person appointments at least 24 hours apart to receive abortion care. The law has exceptions for fatal fetal diagnoses and to save the life of the pregnant person with the signatures of two physicians. There are technically exceptions for rape, incest or human trafficking up to 15 weeks of pregnancy with the required documentation which can be a police report, medical record, or court document.

Does being six weeks pregnant mean I have six weeks to get an abortion?

No. The law in Florida requires that doctors count the age of a pregnancy from the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP.) That means by the time you miss your period and find out you’re pregnant, you’re already about four weeks pregnant.

If your menstrual cycles are regular, ovulation occurs on or around day 14 of your cycle, and conception takes place about two weeks after your LMP. Therefore, you’re considered six weeks pregnant two weeks after your missed period.

How early can a pregnancy test detect a pregnancy?

Pregnancy tests can usually pick up on the HCG hormone in your urine around 4 weeks of pregnancy – or within days of your missed period.

  • If you suspect your contraception method failed you, or you had unprotected sex after your last menstrual cycle, we highly recommend testing early and often as soon as the first day of your missed period – even if you initially get a negative result.
  • Because pregnancy tests are not always accurate, if you suspect you might be pregnant, we also highly recommend making an appointment soon as possible to confirm if you are pregnant or not.
  • If your period is irregular or you do not have a menstrual cycle due to long-term birth control, but suspect you might be pregnant, call Planned Parenthood immediately and schedule an appointment.
Will I be able to go through the judicial bypass in time to get abortion care before I am past six weeks pregnant?

If you find out you are pregnant on the first day of your missed period, this leaves you two weeks – approximately 14 days – to initiate the judicial bypass process, get approval from a judge, and find an appointment for abortion care somewhere in the state. This is a very tight turnaround for a legal process to be initiated and completed, then find an appointment in time.  

Planned Parenthood of South, East and North Florida’s Patient Navigators are here to help minors looking to navigate the judicial bypass process. Learn more here.  

Is there anything being done to stop abortion bans?
Yes. Most Floridians – over 60% – agree that government interference with abortion should be limited and do not support abortion bans. You can learn more about how Planned Parenthood is fighting back and how to get involved by visiting The Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates here
What are crisis pregnancy centers, and do they offer abortion care?

No. Crisis pregnancy centers are fake clinics that lure pregnant people into their offices under the guise of providing abortions, only to scare, shame and persuade them away from care with misinformation about the procedure, birth control and sexual health. 

There are a LOT of crisis pregnancy centers in Florida. They usually try to seem like a normal doctor’s office, with ultrasound machines and staff in medical coats. Their name or website may even include the word “choice.” They usually advertise free pregnancy tests, abortion counseling or education, pre-abortion screenings, or after-abortion help.  

Crisis pregnancy centers in Florida were recently given an annual budget of $25M. Nearly $1M of this is said to be spent on targeted digital marketing to track down pregnant people and talk them out of abortion. Websites like can help ensure you and your loved ones only visit medically accurate healthcare facilities. This blog post can also help you spot the signs of anti-abortion clinics before you accidentally visit one.  

So how long do I have to get an abortion in Florida now?

Due to the 6-week ban, you have less than 14 days after the first day of your missed period to confirm you are pregnant, and book two in-person appointments at least 24 hours apart (to comply with Florida law) before receiving abortion care.

What if I have a fatal fetal diagnosis or my life is in danger?

The six-week ban does allow for abortion care if the fetus will not survive, or the pregnant person’s life is in danger. Two physicians must certify you have a fatal fetal diagnosis or that your life is in danger.   

Abortion care is allowed if:  

  • Two physicians certify that there is a fatal fetal abnormality   

  • To save the pregnant person’s life   

Knowing how difficult it will be to get abortion care in Florida now, should I get an IUD or implant now?
IUDs and implants are very popular because they are long-acting and reversible — but birth control is not “one size fits all.” A health expert at a provider like Planned Parenthood can help you find the birth control method that is best for you.
Is there anything being done to stop abortion bans?
Yes. Most Floridians – over 60% – agree that government interference with abortion should be limited and do not support abortion bans. You can learn more about how Planned Parenthood is fighting back and how to get involved by visiting The Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates here

Connect with Planned Parenthood in Florida.

Provide your contact information and hear more from us on the abortion ban and other important reproductive rights issues in our state.